How to Add Borders and Shading to Text in Word

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How to Add Borders and Shading to Text in Word

How to Add Borders and Shading to Text in Word

To add borders and shading to text in Microsoft Word, select the text you wish to modify. Go to the ‘Design’ or ‘Layout’ tab, choose ‘Borders’, then pick your preferred border style, color, and width. For shading, with the text still selected, go back to the ‘Design’ or ‘Format’ tab, click on ‘Shading’, and choose your desired color and pattern. This straightforward process enhances the visual impact of your documents.

Quick summary

  • Select the text to modify.
  • Use the ‘Design’ or ‘Layout’ tab for borders and ‘Design’ or ‘Format’ tab for shading.
  • Choose your preferences for borders (style, color, width) and shading (color, pattern).
  • Enhance the visual appeal of your Word documents easily.

Adding borders and shading to text in Word can truly transform the look and feel of your document, making important information stand out and giving your work a polished, professional appearance. At, we’re committed to providing our trusted advice to help you master document formatting. Follow these detailed steps and tips to fully understand how to customize your text in Microsoft Word effectively.

Selecting Your Text

First, highlight the text you want to add borders or shading to. You can do this by clicking and dragging your mouse over the text.

Adding Borders

With your text selected, navigate to the ‘Design’ tab in the Word ribbon. If you’re working in an older version of Word, or if your document layout differs, you might find this option under the ‘Layout’ tab. Click on the ‘Borders’ button to open the borders menu. Here, you have various border styles, including solid, dashed, and dotted lines. Choose the style that best suits your document’s design. Don’t forget to customize the color and width of your borders to match your text or page layout.

Applying Shading

For adding shading, the process is similar. With your text still selected, find the ‘Shading’ option, which might be located under either the ‘Design’ or ‘Format’ tab depending on your version of Word. Clicking on ‘Shading’ will open a color palette. Select the shade that complements your document. You can also choose a pattern for your shading, adding a textured background to your text.

Why Borders and Shading?

Borders and shading are not just about aesthetics; they serve to draw the reader’s attention to specific areas of your document. Whether you’re creating a report, a newsletter, or any other type of document, utilizing these formatting options can help highlight important texts, distinguish between sections, and overall enhance readability.

Tips for Effective Use

  • Consistency is key: Use similar styles throughout your document to maintain a cohesive look.
  • Contrast: Choose border and shading colors that stand out against the background but ensure that text remains legible.
  • Spacing: Pay attention to the spacing around your borders. Too little space can make the text feel cramped, while too much space may dilute its impact.

Remember, at, we’re here to empower your document formatting skills with practical, easy-to-follow advice. Adding borders and shading in Word is a simple way to upgrade the visual aspect of your documents, and now, with these steps, you can do it confidently. Keep experimenting with different styles to find what works best for you and your readers.

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